North Carolina Baseball Academy Tuesday Night High School Baseball Scoreboard for 4/2/2024:
The first score we had checking in was a Wild One:
Eastern Guilford 18, Dudley 17
Hilton 11, High Point Chrisitian Academy 5
Parkwood 9, Caldwell Academy 3
Morehead 17, Man 4
Morehead Panthers now at (10-0)
West Craven 9, Reidsville 4
Prediction here that Reidsville Rams will not win the State Championship in Baseball…After winning both the 2-A Football and Basketball Titles this school year…Reidsville now at (4-10) on the baseball season, and it looks very much like Morehead is the baseball team for Rockingham County in 2024…
Cornerstone Christian School 9, Oak Level Baptist 3
Randleman 12, East Forsyth 2
Page 11, Western Guilford 1
Southern Guilford 20, High Point Central 4
Ragsdale 4, Grimsley 2
Very big Metro 4-A win for the Ragsdale Tigers over a very good Grimsley Whirlies team…
Southwest Guilford 12, Southeast Guilford 5
SWG appears to be the top team in the Metro 4-A today…SWG(11-2) overall, and (6-1) in the Metro…
Northwest Guilford 13, Northern Guilford 2
NWG(10-3/6-1) and Northwest has lost 3 of the last 5 baseball games…NWG has not yet played SWG, so NWG and SWG are actually tied for the top spot in the Metro 4-A, each at (6-1) in the Conference…
West Stokes 17, High Point Andrews 0
Softball Games:
Northern Guilford 15, Grimsley 0
Eastern Guilford 15, Dudley 0
Southern Guilford 16, High Point Central 5
Southeast Guilford 9, Page 2
Northwest Guilford 14, Southwest Guilford 0