Looking at 4-A/2-A NCHSAA Track and Field Championships Results: High Point Andrews Boys are State Champions

NCHSAA Track and Field Championships Results
2-A Boys Results:High Point Andrews Boys State Champions

        Name	        Points	
1	T.W. Andrews	98	
2	East Burke	52	
3	Seaforth High School 38	
4	Brevard	37	
5	Salisbury	32	
6	Nash Central	28	
7	Monroe	27	
7	Farmville Central 27	
8	Northeastern	27	
10	West Stanly	26

CLICK HERE for Boys 2-A Individual Results…Correy McManus and his High Andrews Red Raiders racking up the wins….


        Name	                Points	
1	Cummings, Hugh M.	103	
2	NC School of Science & Math	40	
3	Pine Lake Preparatory	38	
4	Whiteville	35	
5	Northeastern	34	
6	Hertford County	29	
7	South Granville	28	
8	Bandys	27	
9	Salisbury	25	
10	East Duplin	24	
10	R-S Central	24	
12	Northwood	21	
13	Pasquotank County	17	
13	Owen, Charles D.	17	
15	Forbush	16	
15	T.W. Andrews	16

CLICK HERE for Girls 2-A Individual Results…Sanai Johnson and her HP Andrews teammates showing strong…


  Name	                        Points	
1 Rolesville High School	63	
2 Cuthbertson High School	62	
3 Clayton	                40	
4 Mallard Creek	                37	
5 Mount Tabor	                34	
5 Hillside	                34	
7 Garner	                31	
8 Marvin Ridge	                30	
9 Weddington High School	28	
9 Independence	                28	
11 Ardrey Kell	                25	
12 Grimsley	                23.50
29 Northern Guilford	        6
43 Western Guilford	        2

CLICK HERE for Girls 4-A Results with Audrey Jenkins(Grimsley HS) 2nd in High Jump, Sonia Katahdin from Grimsley HS 3rd in the High Jump, and Makenna Barnett, from Grimsley at 5th in the 300 Meter Hurdles…


  Name	                        Points	
1 Mallard Creek	                60	
2 Weddington High School	55	
3 Cuthbertson High School	35	
4 Parkland Magnet IB	        31	
5 Reagan	                27	
6 Mount Tabor	                26	
7 Athens Drive	                24	
8 New Hanover	                22	
9 Cleveland High School	        21	
10 Northern Guilford	        19
47 Grimsley	                2

CLICK HERE for Boys 4-A Individual Results with Johnathan Walrath, from Northern Guilford HS, Boys 200 Meter Run State Champion…