Is it going seven games now that the Oilers have captured a huge win in Overtime on a short-handed goal? This could get pretty hot if the Canes don’t win up in Edmonton on Saturday night. Wednesday night’s game was very pressure-packed and exciting and I only wish for the sake of the Hockey people that all games could be as tight and captivating as Wednesday’s action was but it does not work that way. You will see one game like the OT game 5 every once in a blue moon. The NFL seems to have the most luck when it comes to having close and exciting games on weekly basis.
Will it go seven games and if the series comes back to Raleigh will the momentum swing in the favor of the Oilers? I don’t know these type of things, you Hockey people are supposed to have all the answers. Let’s get it shaking and see what the Fans are sayig.
The fans of the Greensboro Revolution are wondering if the team is going to be able to finish the season. The coach(Mark Saunders) quit and the players aren’t getting paid. No paychecks and the ball starts to take some funny bounces and so do the checks. What will happen to the Revolution? Will the Cone Family(Ed included) come in and save the team? Will Indoor/Arena Football ever make it here in the Gate City? Charlie Harville said before he died that Football should be played outdoors and that bathrooms should be outside too. So much for progress. Doug Cockman questioned the foundation of the Indoor team before they ever took the field. Here at, Doug said that the owner Tony Pewonski was a crook and that he should be run out of town. Doug and Jim Scott(long time local PA announcer) both had mixed feelings about Pewonski and the way he failed to pay previous players and employees. It looks like Scott and Cockman were right in their insight and observations.
We wish the Greensboro Grasshoppers much luck when they get back to town on Friday night to open up a three game series with the Lexington Legends(Houston Astros farm hands) to close out the first half of the South Atlantic League season. The Hoppers could use some luck and good fortune after all the injuries and bad breaks that have been coming their way as of late. Get out to the ballpark, there will be a Big Fireworks show on Friday night after the game and Jim Modlin and Spaz will have Hot Dog eating contest during the 7th inning stretch.
Let’s get some feedback from you, and let me just add that we have had some real nice topics over the past couple of days and you need to sound off in the Comment Box.
I am really disappointed in, you are the so called leader in sports information, you are supposed to be putting it out there,I think you have been over to Thirstys 2 shagging to much, has not said one word about THE BIGGEST sporting event in the world, THE WORLD CUP SOCCER games, do you think we really care about another friday night fireworks at FHP with the world cup going on, if you are going to be a leader ib sports reporting get with the program, or maybe a hot dog eating contest is more important to you than THE BIGGEST SPORTING EVENT IN THE WORLD.
George Carlin on Soccer…” Soccer is not a sport because you can’t use your hands. Any game where you can’t use your hands can’t be a sport. Tap Dancing is not a sport….I rest my case.”
Mr. Brown, George Carlin was big 30 years ago, he is probably in a drug rehab somewhere, and yourself need to get up to speed in todays sports world.
I am not a soccer fan, but soccer is supposedly a big deal in Greensboro (or at least it used to be) among the youth. With that said, Greg has a point. No mention of the World Cup from the “supposed leader in sports coverage in Greensboro”?
Like I said before, the only thing you can count on from this little blog is innuendo and gossip, with an occasional fact thrown in to make it look good.
Some of the facts are that I won the NC Youth Soccer Media Award back in the mid 90’s, I coached a Middle School Boys Soccer team to a record of 43-2-1 back in the early 80’s, and was covering the Greensboro/Carolina Dynamo back when they were winning titles in the 90’s and all the way up through 2001. I know Soccer pretty well and could take a team of Don Moore(or a monkey in goal), Doug Cockman at Fullback(Stopper), and Marshall Brown and Me up front on offense(Strikers) and we could beat any team of the posters kids any day of the week. The kids team of a full 11 on a side wouldn’t have a chance. I feel that Greg J. and Mike B. and others are just are trying to find a way to stump the Sports Gods here at Greensboro Sports and let me tell you that you will soon find out that it can’t be done. You would have a better chance at out-shagging Ogi Overman and Sally Cone at this year’s Fun Fourth Festival. If it’s Greensboro/Guilford County we are there. My good friend Brett Hart once told me I was, “The Best There Was, The Best There Is, and The Best There Ever Will Be”. With all that said, I appreciate many of you calling me out and I will continue to give you all what you deserve, “The Best Sports Coverage In The History of Guilford County”. I do agree with one of your points, we need to get some current game coverage of the Dynamo on this site because they are local and I know local Soccer. The World Cup is International, although Eddie Pope from High Point is on the US team and he used to play Soccer and was the field goal kicker for the Southwest Guilford Cowboys football team. I used to watch him in soccer and football practice over at SWG.