Just a question for our NASCAR fans(Gear Heads)….Did you watch the Brickyard 400 and were those EMPTY SEATS we saw at INDY? What’s going on with NASCAR? Are they losing their numbers? The NASCAR Cafe has closed down in Greensboro. The Nextel Cup is leaving NBC and moving to ABC. We now will have to hear that crybaby Rusty Wallace on ABC and you already have to put up with the self-proclaimed “KING”, Darrell Wal-drip on FOX for 6 months….
We are losing a true North Carolinian Benny Parsons as NBC exits NASCAR. Parsons is from Ellerbe, NC and he might be leaving us for good now that he has been detected with lung cancer from breathing in those exhaust fumes coming out of the back of the Winston Cup cars all these years.(see the Marlboro Man for more details)
Another BP, Benny Phillips NASCAR writer for the High Point Enterprise newspaper says NASCAR is headed for a BIG CRASH. Phillips says the numbers are down for live attendance at the tracks and for TV viewership overall. BP says NASCAR is in big trouble.
Look at how NASCAR and the Nextel Cup scene is being portrayed in the movie Talledaga Nights. The rest of the country is laughing at NASCAR country and they think everyone that follows NASCAR racing is from the country. Brian France and the NASCAR officials better do what they can to save all those good ole’ country folks, because if NASCAR trys to make it going Nationwide Mainstream they are as Benny Phillips said, headed for a BIG CRASH.
What do you think? Let’s start a thread and keep it rolling in the Comment Box below…………………………
I thought that the Brickyard restricted seats for NASCAR events in order to keep Indy 500 famous.
As for the NASCAR Cafe, we ain’t in Las Vegas or Myrtle Beach – so we don’t appreciate cheap food that is expensive. Plus they lacked the fun things that the vacation trap versions offer. They might have surived on the High Point Road strip; but like Off Broadway, Off High Point Road must be less expensive to survive.
THEINDYCHANNEL.com blames numbers being down on high temps and high gas prices. I think there are less hardcore NASCAR fans then there used to be. Back in the day race fans would be at the track no matter what! If their car broke down in Greensboro they would hitch hike down to the Rock. All these fans NASCAR is picking up are not “lifers”. They are casual fans just jumping on the band wagon. If that band wagon starts rolling back down the hill you had better watch out! Something else caught my eye on indychannel.com. There is a big article telling us how healthy beer is! WOOOOHOOOO