The Problem at Guilford College? They have no Security System.

I answered my question in the opening statement and this show should be over.  The details are missing and I need to fill you in on why bad things can happen at Guilford College.

Go to any university or college in our area and you will find controlled settings and the students on these campuses know there is a system of checks and balances out there and that they need to keep it in line or their rear will be in trouble.  UNCG, NC A&T, GTCC, Greensboro College, they all have ample security in place so that if anything unsettling breaks out on their turf proper enforcement of the laws will be in effect.  The students do not have to fear for their safety because there is a security system in place. 

You can’t dirve by UNCG without seeing the university police cars patrolling the entire compound.  The UNCG police can be seen all over the downtown campus.  Better safe than sorry.  NC A&T even has a Canine Unit to go along with the full-force Aggie Police Department.  Granted these are large schools but like the man said earlier, better safe than sorry.

GTCC has proper security at all of it’s county locations and when I have been to Greensboro College I have always noticed the uniform security guards at the Hanes Gym for the basketball games and they are scattered all over the college campus.  Why all the security at these institutions?  Better safe than sorry.

This brings us to the current problem.  How about the security at Guilford College?  The recent fights between the football team members and the Palestinian students might have been avoided or they may not have escalated if Guilford College had an on-campus patrol or some semblence of a security system.

What about the Guilford College Police Department?  How about the Quaker campus security system?  How large is the foot patrol unit at Guilford?

Guilford has none of the above.  Guilford has an old white-haired man riding around in a Golf Cart.  He is the campus patrol or he might be part of the maintainance staff because there are no direct markings on his cart.  An old man riding around in a golf cart and he is supposed to secure the campus?  That’s it……

I have seen all of this first-hand because I am at Guilford College one day a week, every Sunday night and have been making that trek for over a year.  Sometimes I am up there two times a week.  I either run or walk the campus because it is a large land mass and it is also a beautiful campus.  Very peaceful at Guilford, most of the time.  I have been familiar with Guilford for over 40 years, I grew up just a mile and half from the campus.  I love that place and I hate to see the bad rap that the Quakers are getting after the fight.  The problem is, it could have been avoided.

Guilford needs a stronger system of checks and balances.  I walk that campus every week and nobody stops and asks me anything.  That’s nice but is it safe for them and is it secure?  Anybody from the public can eat in the Guilford College cafeteria.  Just walk in and pay your money and eat with the students.  No questions asked, just pay your five bucks and eat all you want 3 meals a day.  It’s not the J&S, but not bad for the price.

You could walk right into a dorm and nobody is there to check on you as you enter.  There is no security.  I walked right into the library a few weeks back and nothing was said as I came right on in.  I know I’m in great shape and that I look young, but really not that young.  Guilford is an open campus, open to the Public.

They did have a lady in a white car run us off the Quaker’s football practice-field on Thanksgiving Day but that was because the students were away on Vacation.  I played football on that same field and I also played on the Game Field the Saturday before Thanksgiving and nothing was said to me or my entourage.

Simply said, Guilford is a mini-9/11 waiting to happen.  They need a Campus Police Department or a detailed security system with foot patrol in place checking on all students and visitors that enter the Quaker Campus.  Founding Guilford Fathers would counter that their way of life is one of trust.  My grandfather was a Guilford College student.  He was born back in 1872 and he lived to be 105.(He is buried in the New Garden Friends Cemetary across from the Quaker campus)  He told me something I will never forget as long as I live, “It’s easier to trust a Living man than a Dead man”.    

7 thoughts on “The Problem at Guilford College? They have no Security System.

  1. I’m sure the sins of these football playerrs will find them out. Their parents are lying on televison. Those football players did it. I love sports but racial attacks are not sports. The good Lord will handle this matter, you can
    be sure of this. Brother Edward Goings

  2. The Guilford College football players need to apologize. If they would only admit they’re wrong and say they are sorry this bad scene might just go away. The Palestinians have said they believe in forgiveness. This whole deal may be gettting set to blow up in the face of the Quaker president, the athletic director, and the football coach. Somebody needs to step up and take the blame and it should be the players, and yes sir I agree they need some Real Security on the Guilford campus and not just an old man in a golf cart.

  3. I was unware of the lack of security at Guilford College. This sounds like a situation that needs to be addressed by the powers that be at GC. If there is anything good that can come out of an unfortunate situation like this, maybe the security shortcomings on campus can come to light. I give AD credit for writing this article and bringing this situation to the public’s attention. GC parents should take notice and demand changes before they write their next check to the college!

  4. I would say the old man in the cart has been doing a good job for all of the years, let the President do his job before we judge these guys we do not want another Duke lacrosse team .

  5. I think there should be no rush to Judgement. Let the proper people handle this
    problem and don’t try to solve the issue on this web site. You are starting to act like some sort of radio talk show where they bury innocent parties before they know all the facts. The authorities and the powers in control at Guilford College are doing the right thing. What gives you the right to think you can hand out punishment for the mistakes of others. If you would listen to FM Talk 101.1 they are treating this story correctly. Brad and Britt say it takes time and they will not jump to conclusions. That’s what you people are doing here, jumping to conclusions before all the evidence is in. I don’t know a lot about Guilford College but I bet I know more than you do Jack. Dan T. of Greensboro

  6. I don’t think this story is going to slow down. I believe it’s getting Red Hot and is ready to Blow Wide Open. I also feel I have been one of the few journalists to present direct facts and details on this topic. I have been on the campus and I went into the fire and as for the old man in the golf cart, maybe I can write a book about him called, “The Old Man in the Golf Cart”. Sort of like the “The Old Man and the Sea”. Are we not providing the facts at The other writers are only talking, I am on the campus of Guilford College talking and walking and the other Bloggers are sitting on their Butts at home. Talk to me…….

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