HS hoops tonight

Here’s the lineup for this evening’s games:

Northeast Guilford at Northern Guilford
High Point Central at East Forsyth
Bartlett Yancey at Dudley
Morehead at Western Guilford
Page at Northwest Guilford
Grimsley at Smith
Ragsdale at Eastern Randolph
Glenn at Southwest Guilford
Trinity at Southeast Guilford
WS Atkins vs. Eastern Guilford at UNCG
Southern Guilford at McMichael
Parkland at High Point Andrews
High Point Wesleyan at Hickory Grove

4 thoughts on “HS hoops tonight”

  1. Northern put the beat down on Northeast by 25 in the first home game ever for Northern. Curtis Hunter was completely baffled!

  2. Ragsdale and Trinity won tonight.

    HUGE re-match at Trinity Friday night between two of the best 3A teams in the state.

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