ACC Football Finals 9/18/10

Stanford 68
Wake Forest 24

Auburn 27
Clemson 24

Florida State 34
BYU 10

Alabama 62
Duke 13

Georgia Tech 30
North Carolina 24

West Virginia 31
Maryland 17

Virginia Tech 49
East Carolina 27

2 thoughts on “ACC Football Finals 9/18/10

  1. Wasn’t the North Carolina-LSU final, 30-24 LSU?

    A little strange, a little weird, a little unusual?

    Maybe not……

  2. At least the ACC has NC State this year, the rest of the league is TERRIBLE, Alabama 62 pts, Stanford68pts. Clemsom loses, lets talk real football Andy the SEC, plus the SEC does not cheat like the TarHeels, the Heels have been cheating for all these years and all they have to show for it is a runner up finish in the Tire bowl.

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