Kind of new approach here, as the North Carolina Tar Heels hold a ‘Invite Your Professor to Football Practice Day’ on Wednesday…Kind of a novel idea and you can read all about it when you CLICK HERE…
Kind of like ‘Bring your Kid/Child to Work Day’ or maybe ‘Bring your Dog to Work Day’ maybe???
The UNC football players invited their professors to practice and quite a few showed up and be to Click On above and you can check it out…
This is an excellent idea. It is probably the only time these professors have actually seen these football players.
Why didn’t they do this when I worked there?
This is where I can actually see some of my students. Football players take my class but only write one paper for me at the end of the semester.
Professor Smith,if you only require one paper and still pass any student easy to see you are the problem and faliure at the university
You are correct. You do not understand my whole situation.Since I do this, I GET TICKECTS TO THE GAMES IN THE DEAN E. SMITH CENTER.I cannot possibly give that up just to teach.