High School Football Scrimmages and the place to be is WG, and the man to see, AT(Anthony Timmons) Western Guilford Football Coach…
CLICK ON BELOW for our interview with Coach Anthony Timmons, head football coach at Western Guilford High School…And why would we head to WG for their scrimmage??? Got to give/show some love for my old high school, and we needed to get in our preseason talk with Coach Timmons..
Click On Below for our talk with WG Coach Timmons…We are on the football sidelines, at Western Guilford High School…
More video on the way…Stay Tuned….
WG Hornets scrimmage vs. McMichael Phoenix…
A look at the Western Guilford defense…Click On Below, and Coach Timmons is on the move…
Western Guilford offense on the go, to the outside…CLICK ON BELOW…
WG QB on the roll out and run…CLICK ON BELOW…
Western Guilford quarterback, with a touchdown pass…Click On Below…
WG coach Anthony Timmons, doing some extra special coaching…Click On Below…
Game official gets everything clear and under control, with NO Kickoffs tonight…Click On Below…
Coach Timmons, of WG, with his assistant coach, and WG runs the play on offense…Click On Below…
WG head football coach Anthony Timmons and the scrimmage game official go over the sideline boundaries, and all of our coaches need to see this…A must view for our coaches, and leaders…CLICK ON BELOW…
Western Guilford’s opening game on August 19, vs. Morehead, and Morehead has Coach Terwillger, the former WG head coach as their assistant coach at Morehead…Landon Kimrey, the new assistant principal at Morehead…Ryan Moody the Morehead principal, and all of the above, with Guilford County ties…Going to be fun, on Friday August 19…
Moody is now principal at Asheboro, and former greensboro college womens coach Jason Tuggle is principal at Morehead
Jason Tuggle, also former girls basketball coach, at Western Guilford High School…
Thanks for the update on Ryan Moody….Sure bet he is glad to be back around his family’s old stomping grounds, with David and Darrell Moody both being former Asheboro Blue Comet football players…Ryan Moody a QB at Grimsley, then an assistant football coach, later on at Ragsdale…I believe Ryan went to West Point or Annapolis back in college…
Good info, and thanks for the update…