Triad Amateur Baseball at “Bob Doss Field”…

In our on-going efforts to cover the local youth baseball in and around Greensboro we bring you today, the standings for the Triad Amateur Baseball League which plays their games at Stoner-White Stadium in Jaycee Park on what we need to call “Bob Doss Field”. We need to do something to honor Bob so let’s start calling the playing surface at Stoner-White Stadium, “Bob Doss Field”.

This will probably make some people mad, but what else is new? I’ll tell you what is new. We have the standings for the Triad Amateur Baseball League. Yesterday we brought you all of the baseball standings for ages 9-14 and we went lookig for the Colt standings last night but we couldn’t find Donnie Stowe and the standings board. Looked for them at War Memorial and at Bob Doss Field but no Stowe and no Colts.

We did see The Shockers win their first game of the season as they topped Reno’s 3-2 in extra innings(9) and congrats to the Shockers for getting in the win column. We saw coaches Craig and Ed Bigham hanging out down by the dugout at Bob Doss Field and they are hanging in there with the Shockers.

Here are the standings for the Triad Amateur Baseball League:
*****The Patriots were playing Rockingham County in game two last night with lefty Jon Wilkinson on the mound(for the Patriots) and we may be seeing more shakeups at the top of the standings after last night’s game was concluded.*****

One thought on “Triad Amateur Baseball at “Bob Doss Field”…

  1. I think that calling Stoner White Stadium the Bob Doss Field is a great idea. Bob did so much for the youth of this area in baseball. He is deeply missed. Tom Veal has stepped up to the plate as the director of the league. Thanks to Tom for stepping up to the plate. I wish the baseball fands of Greensboro would support not only this league but all the youth leagues. The coaches and players work so hard to prepare. We should reward these teams of all ages by supporting them. There is nothing better than watching youth baseball. Give it a try, you may enjoy it.

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